Imagine my shock and horror when the replacement arrived in-guess what-Italian again.I returned this,and got my money back,but why was it not made clear that this item was only in a foreign language,from this publisher??


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Und so bekommen wir endlich Antworten auf die drängendsten Fragen unserer Zeit: War das Känguru wirklich beim Vietcong? Blackthorne then discovers that his ship has been burned, ruining his chances of attacking the Black Ship and gaining riches and also sailing home to England.

Si vous aviez un exemplaire en anglais... Bien Cordialement.

Clavell descrive alla perfezione il mondo in cui viene catapultato Blackthorne e al lettore sembra di vivere insieme a lui avventure e disavventure, le difficoltà, la gioia e la disperazione, persino il senso di straniamento che si prova vivendo in una cultura differente.

Penso sia in assoluto il libro più complesso e interessante che io abbia mai letto.

Grazie al suo coraggio, che lo condurrà sulla via dei samurai, con il soprannome di Anjin (il navigatore) diventerà il fido aiutante dello Shogun e nella sua ascesa al potere conoscerà l'amore impossibile per la bella e ambigua Mariko.
I have owned several copies of this excellent book from more than 30 years, and have found consistant satisfaction at each re-reasing.

I ordered this item for a friend,and can you imagine my shock when it came back in a foreign language (Italian i think) Anyway i went through the process of sending it back,telling my reason for returning it,making it clear it was in the wrong language,and could it be replaced in English.

Unfortunately for movie buffs, a few weak efforts in miniseries in the 70's were attempted to capture the brilliance of each story.


On Omi's advice, Yabu also plans to confiscate the guns and money recovered from At Osaka, Blackthorne is interviewed by Toranaga through the translation of the Jesuit priest Martin Alvito, who is more sophisticated and higher up in the Jesuit hierarchy, and therefore realizes the dangerous threat that Blackthorne presents.

The Making of James Clavell's "Shogun" (Coronet Books) James Clavell $5.39.

Venduto e spedito da

A me non è dispiaciuto.

E alla fine l'ho letto tutto. Blackthorne is also torn between his growing affection for Mariko (who is married to a powerful, abusive, and dangerous samurai, Buntaro), his increasing loyalty to Toranaga, and his desire to return to the open seas aboard his ship Eventually, he visits the survivors of his original crew in In parallel with this plot, the novel also details the intense power struggle between the various war-lords, Toranaga and Ishido, and also – as a subtext – the political manoeuvring of the Protestant and Catholic powers in the Far East.

Grazie al suo coraggio, che lo condurrà sulla via dei samurai, con il soprannome di Anjin (il navigatore) diventerà il fido aiutante dello Shogun e nella sua ascesa al potere conoscerà l'amore impossibile per la bella e ambigua Mariko. © Copyright 1997 - 2020 Audible GmbH


La lettura è scorrevole ma in certi punti lo trovato un po' troppo noioso e a tratti ripetitivo.