Le service client Visa est disponible 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7 pour répondre à vos questions.

There are two ways of obtaining this type of residence permit, depending on the French long-stay visa that you have been issued: From now on, a one-time code will be issued for each one of your transactions.

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This can also be done at the local consulate or embassy.

Immigration to Luxembourg: a guide to visas and permits

They must also fill in an arrival certificate within three days at the administration If they plan to stay for more than three months, it is necessary to apply for a temporary residence permit as an employee or self-employed person, sportsperson, student, pupil, intern, researcher or family member from the immigration ministry before they arrive in Luxembourg, as this permit serves both as a residence and a work permit, replacing the typical work permit.

Head to your nearest post office with proof of identity and your certificate of residence and you will receive your card immediately!

Typically you are expected to have a passport that has your provisional residence permit in it, a work permit or proof of financial resources, three passport size photos, medical certificate, a certificate of address change, a certificate of good conduct, and a tax stamp.Once you submit your application for your identity card, you can expect it to take up to one year for the identity card to be issued to you.

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Using a personal password to validate your internet payments is a thing of the past.

In order to stay longer, they must either be employed by a company, self-employed, enrolled at a public or private educational institution or have sufficient resources to not be a burden on the social security system and have health insurance coverage.

Remember that permits are easier to obtain if your profile is attractive to Luxembourg.

With a Schengen visa, it is possible to enter one country and travel freely throughout the Schengen zone. Débit, crédit ou prépayée, à vous de choisir.

It is also the ideal solution for risk-free online payments.Easy is simple to use.

A guide to Luxembourg’s visas, permits, and citizenship to help those who are planning on living, studying, or simply immigrating to Luxembourg.Since 2008, the work permit and the residence permit (for third-country national workers) have been merged into a single permit, the Autorisation de séjour.

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