It was the birthplace of Rai, however, when an Islamist party took power in Algeria during the mid 90s many of the musicians left the country because the government became hostile towards them. 50+ videos Play all Mix - Cheb Khaled - Wahran - Bent Bladi YouTube; Wahrane - Duration: 4:28. e de recevoir des remarques, corrections, suggestions, etc. My father and grandfather lived there as well. En utilisant ces derniers, vous acceptez l'utilisation des cookies. I guess I made a mistake , this song of khaled is Rohy ya wahrane and not the cover he made later wahrane wahrane !! tÉlÉcharger cheb khaled rouhi ya wahran gratuit juillet 13, 2020 Bonjour à toutes et à tous, Je recherche la signification ou la traduction des paroles de rouhi ya Wahrane de cheb khaled: Hada zahri Ham alghorba Dekhlti b style jadid Anayi baba Khalouni na3tiha fi botiii.

:) Paroles et traductions - Khaled: C'est la vie, Didi (ادي), Hiya Hiya (هي هي), Wahrane Wahrane | وهران وهران, Laila, Abdelkader (عبد القادر), وحدة بوحدة (Wahda bi wahda) Ecouter les paroles de Khaled 'Wahrane Wahrane', 'Ne M'en Voulez Pas', 'El Arbi', 'N'ssi N'ssi' avec leur traduction (video lyrics) Thanks for this great comment, I like listening to Khaled, but if he sings in arabic or bereber I can't understand (I can understand French).

Wahrane is the Arabic name for the city known in English of Oran on the coast of Algeria. Please don't tag lyrics with their title or artist, and don't write the same thing into the original name field as in the main field of the artist page.We have this artist filed under the name "Khaled" as he doesn't call himself "Cheb" ("the young") anymore. Khaled 8,533 views.

Paroles officielles Wahran rouhi ya ouahran lyrics par Cheb Khaled : يه روحي يا وهران روحي بالسلامه بالسلامه Sidi el Houari is the neighborhood in Oran where Khaled was born. The entire district is called Sidi el Houari.

Paroles du titre Hey Ouedi - Khaled avec - Retrouvez également les paroles des chansons les plus populaires de Khaled Les cookies assurent le bon fonctionnement de nos services. It was the birthplace of Rai, however, when an Islamist party took power in Algeria during the mid 90s many of the musicians left the country because the government became hostile towards them. On a deja une page pour cet artist, il s'apelle seulement "Khaled" maintenant et on a aussi une page pour cet chanson, mais j'ai l'impression que ton transcription est mellieur. I'm linking this to my blog with a Spanish translation, tell me if there is a problem. This song also already has an entry, albeit with a slightly different transcription. In that case, simply leave this as it is. En utilisant ces derniers, vous acceptez l'utilisation des cookies. Paroles du titre Chebba - Khaled avec - Retrouvez également les paroles des chansons les plus populaires de Khaled Les cookies assurent le bon fonctionnement de nos services. This song was recorded by Khaled after he left, and reflects the nostalgia and longing that many emigrants to France and other countries from North Africa experience, living in what is known in Arabic as el-Ghorba (الغربة) that should be understood as "estrangement," "homesicknees," or "being far away from home and out of place." It's the lyrics, no matter the language.I added the Arabic text, can one of you ladies/gentlemen give the transliteration its own entry?It then needs to be merged with the duplicate here:

Is your transcription better than the existing?Tu parles anglais? Wahrane is the Arabic name for the city known in English of Oran on the coast of Algeria. Paroles de chanson Khaled - Didi traduction, lyrics, video.

On peut changer les paroles pour ton transcription si c'est le cas ou aussi mieux ecrire les paroles en arabe et laisser les deux versions de transcription...I moved this to the correct artist page so that I could unpublish the duplicate one... What about this one, should this be unpublished or added as a transliteration? It's in Arabic- the dialect they speak in Oran and West Algeria. lol sorry to spam !!

Hey guys, I've launched a new Egyptian Arabic online course in the blog format using exclusively songs to help learners of Arabic bridge the gap between their knowledge of Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect.
Sadly, this song has a truth to it - I often hear stories from my parents and grandparents of the city and how it once had a greater culture to it. and this is a live performance of Ahmed wahbi singing wahrane wahrane Some clarification- El Hamri and Sidi el Houari are the two older districts of Oran. Thank you so much! Sorry. Si vous avez des notions dans ces deux langues, n’hésitez pas à ajouter un commentaire. It's been almost a year and the user hasn't answered anything.I'd say it should be unpublished and added as a transliteration under the user's name.I just noticed that Maluca seems to have a transliteration request in the other entry... Or does she wish to get the lyrics with the original spelling?Yeah, I was hoping for someone to submit the lyrics in Arabic script.Oh, I misunderstood something, I kinda read that we already have the original spelling on another entry. I was searching for a good decent translation to provides my friends with. 4:28. They go way back to the early times of Oran.

Sidi el Houari is named, as HouariB said, after the imam whose tomb lies within. leehom ghanni tool 3omri not leehom fanni tool 3omri.

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