In this video we take an in-depth look at WoW Model Viewer and all the fantastic things you can accomplish with it. As an open-source project, we encourage the development of features that may be useful to current or future artists. After this tutorial you should be able to do the following:If you found this download or article useful consider donating to help bring more to the website!Completely customize your World of Warcraft characters armor I'm just a guy who likes to make awesome videos / tutorials on YouTube and resources so other people can make the epicness. Folder containing game data requires an exclusive access in order to be read. You can only : - load it from armory (currently broken in alpha version, will be soon back) - start it from scratch (ie, you chose a tauren, then you chose facial features, hair style, skin color, etc). © 2018 Wow Model Viewer by Jeromnimo As answered by Dreyfus, WMV is not able to grab your character within the game. For instance, I will explain how to use a custom texture for creature “Abyssaloutland”. If you have WoW Model Viewer opened and you’re looking at it like….What tha… Don’t worry because I have you covered. Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and leave a comment. Using Fraps and WoW Model Viewer Together: If you enjoy the video and learn something please consider leaving me a like and favorite on the video as that really helps me out! Dragging your mouse will rotate the image, and Control (Windows) or Cmd + drag (Mac) will pan the image. WoW Model Viewer is a tool used by Machinima Artists to view and capture model and character animation from World of Warcraft. To enlarge or shrink the image, use the mouse scroll wheel. To solve it, you can try this (in order, go to next one only if current does not work)If error is still here after trying all these steps, feel free to ask for help in You will find in this page all new features introduced in software.This feature uses wowhead page from any NPC to collect required datas to display it in WowModelViewer, see this example below :Unfortunatelly, there is no answser. Starting from version 0.8.1, WoW Model Viewer allows you to mix local files stored in you hard drive, together with game files contained in WoW data folder. Let’s click on “Import from URL”, you will see this dialog:You just need a wowhead URL to fill it, so let’s go on your browser, and search for your wanted NPC (skeer the bloodseeker in our case) :You now just have to click “Display”, and that’s it, Skeer the Bloodseeker is displayed on your viewer Any already searched NPC will also stay available in NPC search list until you close your Viewer ;Starting from version 0.8.1, WoW Model Viewer allows you to mix local files stored in you hard drive, together with game files contained in WoW data folder.Now, start WoW Model Viewer, and go to “Options > Settings…” menuWoW Model Viewer 0.7.x → World of Warcraft Mist of PandariaWoW Model Viewer 0.8.x → World of Warcraft Warlords of DraenorWoW Model Viewer 0.9.x → World of Warcraft Legion + World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth You can choose the modelviewer's default race and gender under settings when logged in. Thus, you can not use WoW Model Viewer if WoW Model Viewer and/or application is running.Error 2 and Error 3 usually means that your game data folder is already in use. To view a full-screen model, double-click on the viewer. This can be useful if you want to use a custom texture for a given creature for instance.