Le bec du Monticole merle-bleu est long et fin. 62 0 obj
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They will be delivered in early 2020.You want to make you known to French architects and building professionals ? 0000110730 00000 n
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Un centre de santé, des bureaux et un restaurant sont aussi en cours de construction. 0000111982 00000 n
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Le Monticole vient parachever la profonde transformation de ce quartier (Plan d’Aou) en renouvellement urbain. Because this project is essential for Plan d'Aou and the northern districts of Marseille in terms of program, it had to be exemplary in terms of architecture and quality. 0000020238 00000 n
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The “happy” consequence of this challenge that we have had was that we have taken a whole series of measures to conserve the trees. 0000008585 00000 n
Le Plan d' Aou, c'est une sorte du bout du monde en hauteur.
The main one was to choose not to dig and remove land in order to build an underground parking space. « Le Monticole » vient donc compléter la profonde transformation que connaît le Plan d’Aou depuis 2005. 0000112291 00000 n
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Here are some of the particularities and the principles that guided us in the conception and realization of the Monticole project:1. Côté activité économique, le dispositif des Zones Franches Urbaines a déjà 0000039201 00000 n
The ratio is 1500 € HT/m² of SDP (including demolition and asbestos removal of the old school). 0000017302 00000 n
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Presentation of the Monticole project, by the architects Nicolas Masson (LAND) and Perrine Bernard (BAG ARCHITECTS).
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Chant. We chose the Beaulieu stone, which is a stone from Provence, extracted and cut in a local quarry by the company PROROCH and laid by the company CPMG. 0000004722 00000 n
As with all projects, the place has its importance, but here it means a lot more! Finally, not spending unnecessary money to bury cars in an underground parking space gave us the freedom to use this material and give the project all the chances to succeed economically, culturally and to be an example of sustainability. 0000021251 00000 n
Obviously from a simple environmental point of view, the conservation of trees that are already 40 years old is a much needed action that should be taken into consideration for most projects.2. Maîtrise d’ouvrage : LAND (anciennement NJMH Architectes), architectes mandataire Projet Le Monticole - 36 Logements sociaux, médiathèque, activités et services - Land Bag architectureProjet Le Monticole - 36 Logements sociaux, médiathèque, activités et services - Land Bag architectureLe projet a donné nouvelle image pour notre quartier.Faire participer les habitants du Plan d’Aou à la vie de l’entreprise.http://www.marseille-renovation-urbaine.fr/plan-d-aou/le-monticole-283.html This project is one of the last to be carried out as part of the urban renewal of Plan d’Aou. Presentation of the Monticole project, by the architects Nicolas Masson (LAND) and Perrine Bernard (BAG ARCHITECTS).Le Monticole is the name of a mixed project consisting of building on the same site: 36 social housing units, a media library, medical office spaces, a restaurant and a car park.The project owner is the SA d’HLM ERILIA, which is building the entire project for its own account (the housing will be rented) or for a third party, such as the city of Marseille, which acquired the media library’s structure before its achievement.Two architecture offices have joined forces to win the architectural competition in 2014: LAND architects, represented by Nicolas Masson, who is the lead architect of the project, and BAG ARCHITECTES agency, represented by Perrine Bernard. Le mâle a un plumage bleu-gris, mis à part les ailes et la queue qui sont plus foncées. @�lX4���
XRX�%H. The media library will be delivered in December 2019.Studies of the two other facilities (the restaurant and the health centre) are in progress. �TWd�6*��)y\LV���R�I����J�ƣ�ӵr%ET�e>�|a��������z2yK�\r�0QU�z�9c���д����&%c�P�AII����-��C ��: ����k �=�8�D�A���AT�ŇѓA��Q�?�y
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Above this base, the roof of the facilities is designed to accommodate cars. Because this project is essential for Plan d’Aou and the northern districts of Marseille in terms of program, it had to be exemplary in terms of architecture and quality. 0000246614 00000 n
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They are accompanied by building consultancy practices such as: INGENIERIE 84 for the structure, ADRET for the fluids and Cabinet MORERE for the construction economy.In June 2017, the company FRANÇOIS FONDEVILLE won the tender as general contractor for the construction of this mixed project.The construction site for this operation is being developed on the location of the former school of Plan d’Aou, disused since 2006 and demolished at the start of the project.