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Terminaison d’une affaire, d’une délibération, etc.

1 : to bring to an end especially in a particular way or with a particular action conclude a meeting.
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary 2, 1929, p. 270. b : to make a decision about : decide concluded he would wait a little longer. Vous bénéficiez d'un droit d'accès et de rectification de vos données personnelles, ainsi que celui d'en demander l'effacement dans les limites prévues par la loi. À cette note le président Wilson répondait, le 8 octobre, en mettant comme condition préalable à la conclusion d'un armistice, que les armées allemandes fussent retirées immédiatement des territoires envahis. en conclusion (adv.) conclusion synonyms, conclusion pronunciation, conclusion translation, English dictionary definition of conclusion. The close or last part; the end or finish: the conclusion of the festivities. "En vidéo : L'astuce du jour par le champion de France d'orthographe. Moscou offre en compensation une rectification frontalière en Carélie orientale et la conclusion d'un pacte d'assistance. Nom commun. Dictionary.com Unabridged Sens 1 "L'astuce du champion : Trait d'union ou pas dans les mots commençant par bio ? En conclusion : définition, synonymes, citations, traduction dans le dictionnaire de la langue française. Conclusion definition is - a reasoned judgment : inference. 2. marque la fin d'un développement; ouvre sur une rectification. Define conclusion. Vous pouvez également à tout moment revoir vos options en matière de ciblage.
3. pour conclure. 2 a : to reach as a logically necessary end by reasoning : infer on the basis of evidence concluded that her argument was sound. 2. Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Foch, Mémoires,t. Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition How to use conclusion in a sentence. 1.

conclusión - Significados en español y discusiones con el uso de 'conclusión'.

— (Jean Quellien, La Seconde Guerre mondiale, 1939-1945, Paris : Éditions Tallandier, 2015) La conclusion d’un traité. En savoir plus sur notre n. 1. Les informations recueillies sont destinées à CCM Benchmark Group pour vous assurer l'envoi de votre newsletter.Elles seront également utilisées sous réserve des options souscrites, à des fins de ciblage publicitaire. the outcome or result of an act, process, event, etc (esp in the phrase a foregone conclusion) a final decision or judgment; resolution (esp in the phrase come to a conclusion ) logic

1. pour terminer, au bout du compte. conclusion \kɔ̃.kly.zjɔ̃\ féminin. Was there an investigation of people at DOJ before they arrived at that In that sense, the last Report was mildly unsatisfying as a Magnum came into being as a cooperative only two years after the A civilian commission overruled Beck and rebuked his This part of this letter was written, as Johnson goes on to say, a considerable time before the Pending further inquiry they were obliged to wait the Pressure was put upon the Highlanders to bring the negotiation to a All Of These Words Are Offensive (But Only Sometimes)“Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean?Absentee Ballot vs. Mail-In Ballot: Is There A Difference?“Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every TimeBoost your bragging rights with a perfect score on the words from August 10 to August 16, 2020! Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.the last main division of a discourse, usually containing a summing up of the points and a statement of opinion or decisions reached.a result, issue, or outcome; settlement or arrangement: The restitution payment was one of the conclusions of the negotiations.a proposition concluded or inferred from the premises of an argument.the effect of an act by which the person performing the act is bound not to do anything inconsistent therewith; an estoppel.In conclusion, I would like to thank you for your attention.to engage oneself in a struggle for victory or mastery over, as a person or an impediment.the last main division of a speech, lecture, essay, etcthe outcome or result of an act, process, event, etc (esp in the phrase a final decision or judgment; resolution (esp in the phrase a statement that purports to follow from another or others (the a statement that does validly follow from given premisesan admission or statement binding on the party making it; estoppelto come to a conclusion prematurely, without sufficient thought or on incomplete evidence