While I can see how it could very easily have been influenced by Lewis's A poor man's Les Fleurs du mal-- abundant in grotesque edginess but lacking in social awareness. Then, with my arms, I put it on my shoulders. Was it a kind of reward? Then, with my arms, I put it on my shoulders. When you read the poetry of these pages, get prepared for all the misantrophy and rage emanated from the letters, but behind all you will meet the solitude of a young spirit confronted with the hipocrisy and banality of a cowardly society. Some of it made me laugh, though I'm not sure if it was meant to. Zu seinen Hauptmotiven gehörte die Frage, ob Mord nicht die Konsequenz des absurden Denkens sei ( Bemerkenswert ist das Vorkommen der verschiedensten Tierarten, deren Gewalttätigkeit und Grausamkeit ganze Strophen füllen (Lautréamont sah den besten Erfolg seiner „Gesänge“ bei jenem Leser gegeben, der im Stande wäre, in einem vorurteilslosen, freien, somnambulen Zustand die Magie der Dichtung aufzunehmen: Hypnose als Überwindung aller Barrieren, als Eliminierung aller Denkhindernisse und zur Erreichung jener beschwörenden Wirkung, von der Der Verleger Léon Genonceaux berichtete, Ducasse habe „nur des Nachts an seinem Klavier“ geschrieben, „wo er laut deklamierte, wild in die Tasten schlug und zu den Klängen immer neue Verse heraus hämmerte“. After ending the chants I was convinced to write a review in order to give hints towards the approach of the writer, however the poesies, which is the most likely only part that I couldn't understand discouraged to do it. Les Chants de Maldoror sont un ouvrage en prose, composé de six parties (« chants ») et publié en 1869 par Isidore Ducasse sous le pseudonyme de Comte de … Les Chants de Maldoror is a French poetic novel, or a long prose poem. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Les chants de Maldoror possèdent une beauté particulière, une poésie mystique, qui font que l’ouvrage comporte son lot d’admirateurs et de détracteurs. First Canto, near the beginning.Historically important and lyrically brilliant, Maldoror is nonetheless a tedious read for those who have accepted a godless universe and survived their tumultuous twenties (to say nothing of the immense chasm opened by the twentieth century). Le nom du personnage « Maldoror » renvoie sur le fonds au mal et sur la forme à la figure de l’oxymore. Isidore Ducasse, Better Known as The Count of Lautréamont, is the "L'enfant terrible" by excellence. [ one being god shagging a prostitute and leaving behind a long hair which jumps around, which our demon lover finds and decides to lecture [There are TWO moments of interest: "Throughout my life, I have seen narrow-shouldered men, without a single exception, committing innumerable stupid acts, brutalizing their fellows and perverting their souls by every means. If you did not know Lautreamont died at 24, you would still know that the text in hand is that of an impetuous and visionary young man.

It's like one of the more ridiculous sections of In a work reminiscent of the sort of wonderfully mindless and meandering crap that you'd expect from a trench-coated, emotionally (or sexually) insecure teen, the titular Maldoror, shark-fucker and god-hater extraordinaire, weaves his black and demonic way through a pastiche of abominations.In a work reminiscent of the sort of wonderfully mindless and meandering crap that you'd expect from a trench-coated, emotionally (or sexually) insecure teen, the titular Maldoror, shark-fucker and god-hater extraordinaire, weaves his black and demonic way through a pastiche of abominations.When I was at university, a TA in one of my poetry courses gave me this book and I was completely fascinated by it.

The macabre but beautiful work, Les Chants de Maldoror, has achieved a considerable reputation as one of the earliest and most extraordinary examples of Surrealist writing.It is a long narrative prose poem which celebrates the principle of Evil in an elaborate style and with a passion akin to religious fanaticism.