Former UK PM Gordon Brown also used to say millions not million when giving his budget updates.Are there rules for this usage, or is it just a question of putting the plural in the right place?As the plot shows, "two millions" has long been the standard expression. sense "appended to the statement of a sum of money, to indicate that English money is meant", which it says comes from the older @Cerberus: I was thinking Kristina could incorporate the bit about nouns it into her answer.sorry, but it's no more a British usage than an American one.I know Churchill used it everywhere in The Second World War. - Employés au singulier, hundred, thousand et million sont toujours précédés de A ou ONE : Ex.
Ex : garçon - nm > On dira " le garçon" ou " un garçon". Anybody can ask a question
Always use a plural verb with million or millions, except when an amount of money is mentioned: Four million (people) were affected. • Two … It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwideWe use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. Unterbegriffe: [1] Dreiviertelmillion, Jahrmillionen, Viertelmillion [2] Abermillionen.
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Hence one hundred, two million, four score, etc.
Oberbegriffe: [1] Grundzahl, Kardinalzahl.
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The following rules apply to the plurals of numerical terms such as dozen, score, hundred, thousand, million, and similar: When modified by a number, the plural is not inflected, that is, has no -s added. People generally do not say tens of millions but as far as I know there is nothing wrong with doing so. By continuing to use our website, you are agreeing to our use of cookies.
I couldn't give a citation, because the books are not in my possession right now.The plural usage is not British, but rather it is archaic, and spans both sides of the Atlantic. (millions in number) des millions de [qch] nmpl nom masculin pluriel: s'utilise avec l'article défini "les". It only takes a minute to sign up.Usually when discussing monetary amounts, people will say "That cost one hundred million dollars" or "one hundred million pounds".But I have also seen it written as "that cost one hundred millions sterling".
Period.Another usage: Tens of thousands.
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Jahrhundert als million und ebenfalls ohne konkreten Wert. Beispiele: [1] 1000 Millionen sind eine Milliarde. UK, dated (million million) (mille milliards) billion nm nom masculin : s'utilise avec les articles "le", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "un" . Millier, million et milliard sont des noms et non des adjectifs. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled
Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford.
Not sure if SO appreciates such comments, but I did not find any of the answers below particularly helpful.
By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts.
It is a typo or transcription error.
One thousand million = un milliard/un billion - Notez enfin que si hundred et thousand sont précédés d'un mot qui exprime une quantité imprécise, ils restent invariables : Ex.
See The link does not work; it turns up some book about Bush. Synonyme: [1] Mega-Verkleinerungsformen: [1] Milliönchen. Stack Exchange network consists of 177 Q&A communities including
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millions of [sth] adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house."
Fractional millions would be singular: A quarter-million; a half-million.
Two million (pounds) was withdrawn from the account.These fossils were millions of years in the making.Millions of people now visit the Lake District each year.The foundation has donated millions of dollars to charitable causes.Was this the way to feed the world 's starving millions?Big hotels are spending millions to hire celebrity chefs.There are more examples of how to use numbers at the entry for late Middle English: from Old French, probably from Italian nmpl = nom pluriel au masculin, nfpl = nom pluriel au féminin: million, a … Detailed answers to any questions you might have
Ils ne font pas vraiment partie du nombre et laissent place à l'accord : quatre cents millions; Le pluriel commence à partir de 2. on écrit ainsi : 1,9 million; 2 millions; Translation: Millier (a word meaning "about a thousand"), million (10 6) and milliard (10 9) are nouns and not adjectives.