These actors regularly denounced atrocities through public statements but were inconsistent in their calls for accountability.During 2019, at least 400 civilians were killed in incidents of communal violence in central and northern Mali. Over 900 schools remained closed and 270,000 children were denied the right to education because of insecurity and displacement. La hausse du nombre de personnes dans le besoin sexplique par la recrudescence des conflits intercomm… The Malian judiciary remained plagued by neglect and mismanagement, and many posts in northern and central Mali were abandoned due to insecurity. 3 0 obj News in Brief. Toutefois, Ocha Mali rappelle la gravité de la situation humanitaire au Mali. Mali’s human rights situation deteriorated in 2019 as hundreds of civilians were killed in numerous incidents by ethnic self-defense groups, most for their perceived support of Islamist groups, and attacks by armed Islamists intensified in northern and central parts of the county allied to Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State, targeted Malian security services, peacekeepers, international forces, and increasingly, civilians. Avec cette nouvelle situation, les partenaires humanitaires ciblent maintenant 3 millions de personnes vulnérables comparativement à 2,3 millions dans le Plan initial.

Mali 30 Jul 2020 11:29 GMT.

Concise information about Mali and its people, including figures for area, population, main languages, religions, exports, and more. Malian security forces subjected numerous suspects to severe mistreatment and several died in custody or were forcibly disappeared.The worsening security situation in the country provoked a political crisis and led to delays in the constitutional review process and parliamentary elections. The mandate of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) ends on 30 June 2020. Za�?,]����/��:��:X��~aO�s���ޤu^6�/�wt�|�U���J!

In August, the UN Security Council renewed for one year the mandate of the Mali Sanctions Committee Panel of Experts and imposed an asset freeze and travel ban against those individuals and entities who obstruct the 2015 peace accord and commit human rights abuses. À l’en croire, en raison des violences liées au conflit, le Mali comptait 218 536 de déplacés internes en février 2020 contre 84 500 il y a un an. Since early 2018, more than 520,000 people have been internally displaced. 301,000 people were newly displaced in 2019 alone, and that trend continues in 2020. 4 Reporting Period: 1rst to 30 April 2020 Highlights

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Armed Islamists planted explosives in the bodies of security force members, and in February a civilian’s body, which exploded during his burial, killing 17.Armed Islamists continued to threaten, and sometimes kill local leaders deemed government collaborators and beat those engaged in cultural practices they had forbidden. Coup makers who overthrew President Keita say they are more interested in the stability of the country than power.Anti-gov't protesters poured onto Bamako streets amid reports of mutinous troops holding president and gov't officials.AU's Moussa Faki Mahamat denounces 'any attempt at unconstitutional change', urges mutineers cease 'use of violence'.Months of protests calling for the president's resignation have preceded recent reports of an apparent military mutiny. However, it had not yet sought arrest warrants for any individuals at time of writing. Peuhl militiamen were implicated in the June 9 massacre of 35 Dogon civilians in Sobane-da village.Scores of farmers, herders and traders were killed by different ethnic militias in reprisal killings as they tended their fields or animals and went to market, provoking widespread displacement and a hunger crisis.Attacks by armed Islamists allied to Al-Qaeda, and to a lesser extent the Islamist State affiliate in the Sahel, killed over 150 civilians, as well as scores of government forces and at least 16 United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) peacekeepers, including the January 20 attack on the Aguelhok UN base that killed 11 Chadian peacekeepers.Armed Islamists massacred numerous civilians, including in Menaka region and at least 38 in Yoro and Gangafani II villages near the Burkina Faso border. The Mali sanctions measures expire on 31 August 2020, and the mandate of the Panel of Experts expires on 30 September 2020. On September 3, an explosion killed 14 bus passengers near Dallah, and a June attack near Yoro killed 11. ��"�9r��n�^I���G�х��+ckr�����f:�Q8N�/�3�����/��d���s'_�G��ł��J�P@�!7�5=7f?��)�J��x��Pr�Lh�� & Hundreds of detainees were held in extended pretrial detention due to the courts’ inability to adequately process cases.Justice Minister Malick Coulibaly, appointed in May, took concrete steps to improve prison conditions and vowed to improve access to justice and make progress on atrocity cases. Since late 2018, numerous men detained by the security forces during counterterrorism operations were subjected to enforced disappearance, five were allegedly executed or died in custody, and dozens more were subjected to severe mistreatment in detention. In September, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), pledged US$1 billion to help support G5 Sahel and national militaries in countering terrorism from 2020- 2024. 4 0 obj During its March session, the UN Human Rights Council decided to continue the mandate of the decided to continue the mandate of the independent expert for another year.The International Criminal Court (ICC) continued investigation into alleged war crimes committed in Mali, opened in 2013, and in March, the ICC Registrar visited Mali. <>